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GTN Mobility Tax Blog

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Author Jennifer Stein, EA, Retired

We celebrated Jen's retirement in August 2024. She has over 25 years of experience in expatriate and foreign national tax preparation and consulting. She joined GTN in 2011 and serves as Managing Director. While clients' projects may look similar on paper, she understands that every employee situation is unique. She coaches clients to understand the complexities of sending employees overseas and helps them work through the many requirements of Home and Host reporting. | +1.312.698.9864
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Why Communication Is a Must to Protect Remote Employees

This article was originally published in Corporate Compliance Insights.

Business travel is once again raging and is mobilizing the already travel-happy workforce even more. The Global Business Travel Association expects global business travel spending to overtake pre-pandemic levels, reaching $1.4 trillion this year. It also predicts it will accelerate to $1.8 trillion in the next three years.

This resurgence in business travel adds to a remote workforce that’s more active than ever, with 58% of employees now saying they have access to some type of remote work option.

However, international and remote work often creates complicated tax situations, inviting a long list of new compliance risks. All the while, members of the mobile workforce are largely unaware of the tax and compliance risks they’re putting on themselves and their companies by participating in remote or international work.

7 Communication Tips to Protect Your Mobile Employees from Tax Violations

This article was originally published in HR Daily Advisor.

Taxes can be intimidating, time-consuming, and confusing for any employee. But tax complexities shoot through the roof for international employees, business travelers, and remote workers.

If mobile and remote employees don’t understand their tax obligations, they risk violating laws, losing compensation, damaging the company’s reputation, and more. However, HR professionals can reduce this risk and provide an exceptional employee experience by focusing on one thing: communication.

Here are the reasons taxes are so tricky for mobile and remote employees, along with the secrets to communicating tax matters effectively.

Mobility Program Evaluation Checklist: Success Through Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation

In our globalized business landscape, international assignments remain a cornerstone of talent management strategies. And the responsibility for HR and mobility program professionals to orchestrate seamless transitions for employees stepping into roles on foreign soil is pivotal. The success of these endeavors hinges on a multitude of factors, including strategic planning, resource allocation, and policy implementation.

Ensuring Global Tax Compliance: Navigating the Duty of Care for Your Remote Employees

This article was originally published in Training magazine.

Why does duty of care training need an update in the age of remote work?

Most business leaders realize remote and hybrid work have significantly transformed the way organizations operate. However, amid this shift, one critical aspect that often goes unnoticed is the need to address the duty of care training and safety measures concerning remote workers’ tax compliance obligations.

An FAQ Guide to Understanding Hypothetical Tax Withholding

If your company has tax equalized assignees, you may have heard from employees who have received unexpected tax bills, have yet to settle their tax equalization payments, or are confused about how their tax liabilities were calculated. If any of these ring a bell, now is the time to re-examine the hypothetical tax positions for your mobile employees. Let’s explore some of the most frequent questions we receive and delve into our recommendations on how you can ensure a successful mobility program.

5 Key Steps to Managing the Tax Risks of your Business Traveler Program

For many companies, the new workforce norm has shifted to virtual and remote employees. However, for several businesses, there remains a need to have employees working in-person on multiple projects across the country or around the world. Business travel, while still not up to pre-pandemic levels, is making its way back as a standard way of working.

While typical mobile workforce structures such as permanent and long-term assignments are generally managed through a defined HR or mobility function, management of short-term business travel tends to be less defined. Yet, understanding and actively managing the tax risks of short-term business travelers can greatly reduce costs and a variety of risks for both your organization and business travelers. Therefore, developing a structure to oversee this area is imperative.