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GTN Mobility Tax Blog

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Author Guest - Bob Bamsey, Partner, GKC Solutions

Bob Bamsey, Partner at GKC Solutions, has specialized in transfer pricing consulting and controversy for twenty years, starting in the Big Four and later holding in-house roles before returning to consulting. While many prefer to keep transfer pricing within standard confines, Bob sees transfer pricing principles in action everywhere and seeks to add value accordingly. International transactions, domestic transactions, and even unrelated party transactions can benefit from applying transfer pricing principles, and Bob and his partner at GKC Solutions designed their firm to help enterprises across the transactional spectrum take advantage of these opportunities.
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3 Key Steps to Effective Global Tax Planning through Transfer Pricing

As businesses look to capitalize on international opportunities and establish a global presence, the question of how to optimize tax planning across multiple jurisdictions becomes paramount.

If we look back to our article that provided three key steps for global expansion success, we shared the actions required to best administer and support a globally mobile workforce. These steps ensure effective tax planning for individuals critical to the global success of the company. A happy, growing workforce begets a healthy culture and a successful business. And companies growing globally also want to ensure happy, growing earnings. So, once the mobile workforce planning is in place, the next critical question arises: How do I ensure effective tax planning for my global business?